- as tough as nails
- as unstable as the wind
- as active as quicksilver
- as afraid as grasshopper
- as ageless as the sun
- as agile as a cat
- As agile as a monkey
- as alert as a chamois
- as alike as two peas in a pod
- as alone as a leper
- as ambitious as the devil
- as ancient as the sun
- as angry as a bull
- as angry as a hornet
- as angry as a wasp
- as annoying as nails scratching against a chalkboard
- as arid as the sands of Sahara
- as artificial as made ice
- as audacious as the day
- as awful as justice
- as awkward as a cow on ice
- As bald as a baby's backside
- As bald as a badger
- as bald as a coot
- as bald as an egg
- as barren as winter rain
- as bashful as a schoolgirl
- As Beautiful as a Bride
- as beautiful as nature
- as beautiful as the rainbow
- as bent as a nine-bob note
- as big as a boat
- as big as a bus
- as big as a bus
- as big as an elephant
- as bitter as gall
- as bitter as hemlock
- as bitter as warmwood
- as black as a sweep
- As black as coal
- as black as ebony
- as black as ink
- as black as pitch
- As Black as the Rain
- as blameless as the snow
- as blank as an empty bottle
- as blind as a bat
- as blind as a mole
- as blind as an ear.
- as blithe as May
- as blue as the rivers of amman
- as blunt as a hammer
- as bold as brass
- as boundless as the ocean
- as bounteous as nature
- as brainless as champanzee
- as brave as a knight
- as brave as a lion
- as brave as Achilles
- as brave as bear
- as brief as dream
- as brief as time
- As bright as a button
- as bright as a day
- as bright as a new penny
- as bright as a new pin
- As bright as day
- as bright as the sun
- as brilliant as a mirror
- as brisk as a flea
- as brittle as glass
- as broad as Heaven's expanse
- as brown as a berry
- as brown as bun
- as buoyant as wings
- As busy as a beaver
- as busy as a bee
- as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof
- as calm as a millpond
- as calm as a summer sea
- as candid as mirrors
- as careless as the wind
- as cautious as a fox
- as certain as the rising of morning sun
- as changeable as the moons
- as changing as the sea
- as Chaste as Minerva
- as cheap as chips
- as cheap as dirt
- as cheap as lies
- as cheeky as young bantam cock
- as cheerful as the birds
- as cheerless as grave
- as cheery as sunbeam
- as chill as death
- as chirpy as a cricket
- as chubby as a cherub
- as clammy as death
- as clean as a Dutch oven
- As clean as a hound's tooth
- as clean as a whistle
- as clear as a bell
- As clear as a diamond
- As clear as crystal
- as clear as daylight
- As Clear as Ice
- as clear as mud
- as clear as the heavens above
- as clever as a cartload of monkeys
- as clever as monkey
- as clever as paint
- as clumsy as a bear
- as coarse as hemp
- as cold as dog's nose
- as cold as ice
- as comfortable as coin
- as common as dirt
- as common as pins
- as complacent as a cat
- as complicated as the relationship of a married couple
- as confident as Hercules
- as conscientious as dog
- as consoling as night
- as constant as the sun
- as contagious as a yawn
- as contrary as black and white
- as convincing as the multiplication table
- as cool as a cucumber
- as costly as an election
- as cosy as the nest of bird
- as countless as the stars
- as cowardly as wild duck
- as crafty as a fox
- As crazy as a loon
- as credulous as a child
- as crisp as new bank notes
- as crooked as a corkscrew
- as cruel as media
- as cunning as a fox
- As Cunning as a Rat with a Gold Tooth
- as curious as fish
- as cute as a baby
- as cute as a bug's ear
- As cute as a button
- as damp as the salty blue ocean
- as dangerous as machine-guns
- as dark as dungeon
- as dead as the dodo
- as deaf as a post
- as deceptive as the mirage of the deserts
- as deep as despair
- as deep as hell
- as deep as the ocean
- as deep as the sea
- as dejected as a wet hen
- As delicate as a flower
- as delicate as fine china
- as delicious as forbidden fruit
- As dense as a brick
- as desolate as a tomb
- as devoted as a faithful dog
- as different as chalk from cheese
- as different as earth and sky
- as different as night and day
- as difficult as a Greek puzzle
- as dirty as a hog
- As Dirty as Goodwill Underwear
- as disappointing as wet gunpowder
- as dismal as a hearse
- as distant as the horizon
- as dizzy as a goose
- as docile as a lamb
- as dreadful as a gathering storm
- As dreary as a Victorian novel
- as dreary as an Asian steppe
- as drunk as a beggar
- as drunk as a lord
- as drunk as a skunk
- as drunk as a top
- as drunk as fish
- as dry as a bone
- as dry as a popcorn fart
- as dry as dust
- as dull as dishwater
- as dumb as a box of rocks
- as dumb as an oyster
- as dumb as dirt
- as eager as a bridegroom
- as easy as A.B.C
- as easy as apple-pie
- as easy as falling off a log
- as easy as pie
- as easy as shelling peas
- as elastic as a caterpillar
- as eloquent as Cicoro
- as elusive as quicksilver
- As empty as a starving man's stomach
- as empty as an idiot's mind
- as entertaining as football on a winter day
- as enticing as a riddle
- as essential as the dew
- As excited as a blind lesbian in a fish shop
- as expensive as glory
- as fabulous as Aladdin's ring
- as faint as the hum of distant bees
- as fair as Eve in Paradise
- as fair as the morn
- as faithful as the sun
- as faithless as fair weather
- as false as dice
- as familiar as an oath
- as far apart as the poles
- as far as the poles asunder
- as fast as a racecar
- as fast as light
- as fat as a cow
- as fat as a distillery pig
- as fat as a fool
- as fat as a hippo
- As fat as a pig
- as fat as porpoise
- As feathery as a chicken
- as fickle as friends
- as fidgety as an old maid
- as fierce as a famished wolf
- As Fierce as a Tiger
- as firm as faith
- as fit as a butcher's dog
- As fit as a fiddle
- as fixed as fate
- as flabby as a sponge
- as flat as a pancake
- as fleet as greyhound
- as flimsy as guaze
- as foolish as a calf
- as foul as slander
- as frail as lilly
- as free as a bird
- as free as a breeze
- as free as the wind
- as fresh as a daisy
- as fresh as a rose
- as fresh as paint
- as friendless as an alarm clock
- as friendly as a puppy
- as frightened as Macbeth before the ghost of Banquo
- as frigid as an iceberg
- as frisky as colts
- as frisky as lamb
- as frizzled as a lawyer's wig
- as fruitful as Egypt
- As Full as a Fat Lady's Socks
- as full as an egg is of meat
- as funny as a balloon
- as funny as a crutch
- As Funny as a Fart in an Elevator
- As Funny as Cot Death
- as game as fighting cock
- as garrulous as a magpie
- as gaudy as a butterfly
- as gay as bullfinch
- as generous as a dream
- as genial as sunshine
- as gentle as a fawn
- as gentle as a lamb
- as glad as a fly
- as glib as glass
- as gloomy as night
- as glorious as the sun
- as glossy as a mole
- as glum as an oyster
- as gluttonous as curiosity
- as good as gold
- as good as one's word
- as gorgeous as a Sultana
- as graceful as a cat
- as graceful as a fawn
- as graceful as a gazelle
- as graceful as a swan
- as gracious as a duchess
- as gracious as the morn
- as grand as a victory
- as grave as a judge
- As Greasy as a Raccoon that's been Dipped in Raccoon Grease
- as great as a lord
- as great as the world
- as greedy as a hog
- as green as a grass
- As grey as mountain rock
- as grey as smoke
- as grim as death
- as grim as hell
- as haggard as spectres
- as hairless as an egg
- as hairy as a mastodon
- as hairy as an ape
- as handsome as paint
- as happy as a clam
- As happy as a clown
- As happy as a dog with a bone
- as happy as a lark
- as happy as a pig in mud
- as happy as a pig in shit
- As happy as a rat with a gold tooth
- as happy as a sandboy
- As happy as Larry
- as happy as the day is long
- as hard as flint
- as hard as nails
- as hard as stone
- as harmless as a baby
- as harsh as truth
- as haughty as the devil
- as healthy as a May morning
- as hearty as an oak
- as heavy as lead
- as helpless as a baby
- as hideous as the witch of Endor
- as high as a heaven
- As high as a kite
- as high as the sky
- as high as the stars
- As hoarse as a crow
- as hoarse as a raven
- as hollow as a drum
- as honest as a mirror
- as hopeful as the break of day
- as horny as a camel's knee
- As Horny as a Roman Sandal
- as horrid as a murder's dream
- As Hot as an Oven
- as hot as blazes
- as hot as fire
- as hot as hell
- as huge as high Olympus
- as humble as aworm
- as hungry as a bear
- as hungry as a horse
- as hungry as a wolf
- as hushed as midnight
- as ignorant as a child
- as illimitable as the boundless sea
- as illusive as a dream
- as immaculate as an angel
- as immense as the sea
- as immortal as the stars
- as immutable as the laws of the Medes and the Persians
- as impatient as a lover
- as imperishable as eternity
- as impetuous as a poet
- as inconstant as the moon
- as indolent as an old bachelor
- as industrious as an ant
- as inevitable as death
- as inexhaustible as the deep sea
- as inexorable as the grave
- as inflexible as a granite rock
- as innocent as a lamb
- as invisible as the air
- as jealous as a Spaniard
- as jolly as a shoe brush
- as joyful as a fly
- as joyous as a fly
- as jubilant as old sleigh bells
- as keen as a razor
- As keen as mustard
- as killing as a plague
- as kind as consent
- as knowing as the stars
- as lame as a duck
- as languid as love-sick maid
- as large as life
- as lasting as the pyramids
- as lawless as the stormy wind
- as lax as cut string
- As Lazy as a Hog
- as lazy as a toad
- as lean as Sancho's ass
- as level as a pond
- as liberal as the sun
- as lifeless as the grave
- As light as a feather
- as light as air
- as light as down
- As likely as not
- as lithe as a panther
- as little as Tom Thumb
- as lively as cricket
- as loathsome as a toad
- as lonely as a cloud
- as lonely as a deserted ship
- as long as your arm
- as loquacious as Polonius
- as loud as horn
- as loud as thunder
- as lovely as Venus
- as low as the grave
- as lowly as a slave
- As lowly as a worm
- as loyal as a dove
- As mad as a hatter
- as mad as a hornet
- As mad as a sleeping bag full of badgers
- as mad as box of frogs
- As mad as the march hare
- as magnanimous as Agamemonon
- as malicious as Satan
- As Mean as a Bully
- as mean as a miser
- as meek as a dove
- as meek as a lamb
- as meek as a mouse
- as merciless as ambition
- as merciless as Othello
- as merciless as the grave
- As merry as a cricket
- as merry as a grig
- as merry as a lark
- as merry as spring
- as mild as a dove
- as mischievous as a kitten
- as mobile as humanity
- As modest as a maiden
- as monotonous as the sea
- As moody as a girl on her period
- as motionless as a corpse
- as mournful as the grave
- as much use as a chocolate teapot
- as much use as a yard of pump water
- as muddy as sheep dogs
- as mum as an oyster
- as mute as tomb
- as mysterious as an echo
- As naked as a baby
- as naked as a jaybird
- as naked as a peeled apple
- as naked as newborn baby
- as natural as life
- as nearsighted as a mole
- as neat as a nail
- As neat as a pin
- as needful as the sun
- as nervous as a mouse
- as new as day
- as nice as ninepence
- as nimble as a lizard
- as noiseless as a shadow
- as noisy as a menagerie
- as numerous as the sand upon the ocean shore
- as nutty as a fruitcake
- as obedient as a puppet
- as obnoxious as an alligator
- as obstinate as a mule
- as obstinate as a pig
- as old as creation
- as old as Methuselah
- as old as the hills
- as opaque as the sky
- as open as a smile
- as opposite as the poles
- as pale as Banquo's ghost
- as pale as death
- as pale as ghost
- As passionate as young love
- as passionate as young love
- As patient as hours
- As patient as Job
- as patient as job
- as patient as the hours
- as peaceful as a sleep
- As peaceful as sleep
- as persistent as a mosquito
- As persistent as mosquito
- as phony as a three-dollar bill
- As piercing as light
- as pissed as a newt
- As placid as duck-pond
- as plain as a pickestaff
- as plain as day
- As plain as pikestaff
- as plain as the nose on your face
- as playful as a rabbit
- As playful as a rabbit
- as playful as kittens
- As playful as kittens
- As pleasant as health
- as pleasant as health
- As pleased as Punch
- as pleased as punch
- As plentiful as blackberries
- As poor as a church mouse
- as poor as dirt
- As populous as an ant hill
- as positive as Scotsman
- As powerful as a lion
- As powerful as death
- As powerless as an infant
- As pretty as a picture
- As progressive as time
- as proud as a peacock
- As proud as Lucifer
- as proud as punch
- as puffy as a cloud
- As punctual as springtime
- As pure as a lily
- As pure as faith
- as pure as snow
- as pure as the driven snow
- as quarrelsome as the weasel
- as queer as a clockwork orange?
- as queer as a three-dollar bill
- as quick as a flash
- As quick as a wink
- As quick as lightning
- as quick as silver
- as quick as thought
- as quiet and long as a year on Pluto
- As Quiet as a Cat
- As quiet as a library for church mice
- as quiet as a mouse
- as ragged as Lazarus
- as rapid as lightning
- as rare as a comet
- as rare as a blue rose
- as rare as a fat postman
- as rare as hen's teeth
- As rare as rocking horse shit
- as ravenous as a winter wolf
- as real as the stars
- as rebellious as the sea
- as red as a beet
- As red as a monkey's arse
- as red as a poppy
- as red as blood
- as red as cherry
- as regal as Juno
- as regular as sunrise
- as relentless as fate
- As Reliable as a Greek Accountant
- as remote as a dream
- as restless as ambition
- as restless as the sea
- as rich as Croele
- as rich as Croesus
- As right as rain
- as rosy as a bride
- as rosy as the morn
- as rotten as dirt
- As Rough as a Boar's Rear-End
- as rough as a storm
- as rough as hemp
- as round as a barrel
- as round as a barrel
- as round as a circle
- as round as a sphere
- as round as the O of Giotto
- as rude as a bear
- as rugged as a rhinoceros
- as ruthless as the sea
- as sacred as a shrine
- as sad as doom
- as sad as night
- as safe as a blackhouse
- as safe as a house
- as safe as a sardine
- as safe as a tortoise under its shell
- as salty as a sea sponge
- as saucy as the wave
- as scarce as feathers on a fish
- as scarce as hen's teeth
- as secret as thought
- as secure as the grave
- as seedy as a raspberry
- as selfish as a fox
- as senseless as stones
- As sensitive as a flower
- as serene as the sea
- as serious as a doctor
- as serious as an owl
- as serious as your life
- as shallow as a pan
- as shameful as a sin
- as shameless as a rude statue
- as shapeless as an old shoe
- As sharp as a bowling ball
- as sharp as a knife
- As sharp as a needle
- as sharp as a razor
- as sharp as a tack
- as sharp as a thistle
- as short as any dream
- as short as the life of a wave
- as shy as the fawn
- as shy as the squirrel
- As sick as a dog
- as sick as a parrot
- as sick as the dog
- As silent as a feather in the wind
- as silent as a stone
- As silent as the dead
- as silent as the grave
- as silent as thought
- As silly as a goose
- as silly as calves
- as simple as a child
- as simple as A.B.C
- as sincere as sunlight
- as sleek as a mouse
- as sleepless as owls
- as sleepy as a koala
- As slimy as a snail trail
- as slippery as a serpent
- As slippery as a soap in a men's prison
- as slippery as an eel
- as slippery as ice
- as slow as a snail
- As Slow as a Snail's Funeral
- as slow as a tortoise
- as slow as a turtle
- As slow as a wet weekend
- As Slow as a Worm with a Hangover
- As slow as molasses
- as sly as a fox
- as small as atoms
- as smart as a whip
- as smart as an owl
- as smart as paint
- as smart as sixpence
- as smooth as ice
- as smooth as silk
- as snug as a bug in a rug
- as sober as a judge
- As soft as a baby's bottom
- as soft as fur
- as soft as silk
- as soft as velvet
- as soft as wool
- as solid as bricks
- as solid as the ground we stand on
- as solitary as a tomb
- as soothing as the breath of spring
- as sound as a bell
- as sour as lemon
- as sour as lime
- as sour as vinegar
- as spacious as the element
- as speechless as a stone
- as spineless as a jelly fish
- as spiteful as the monkey
- as spotless as lilies
- as spotless as snow
- as spruce as an onion
- as stale as old beer
- as stately as an oak
- as steadfast as the sun
- as steady as a rock
- as stealthy as a cat
- As stern as a judge
- As sticky as a fly trap
- As sticky as jam
- as stiff as a board
- as stiff as a frozen fish
- as stiff as a ramrod
- as stiff as a stone
- as still as a log
- as still as a statue
- As still as death
- as stink as a carrion
- as stink as a polecat
- as straight as a candle
- as straight as a die
- as straight as a lance
- as straight as an arrow
- as strange as a vision
- as strong as a bull
- as strong as a bull
- as strong as an ox
- as strong as Brandy
- as strong as Hercules
- as strong as Samson
- as stubborn as a mule
- as stupid as a sloth
- as sturdy as an oak
- as stylish as a taxman's trousers
- As Subtle as a Fart in the Bath
- As subtle as a flying mallet
- as subtle as serpent
- as sudden as a snap
- as sudden as lighting
- as sulky as a bear
- as superfluous as a fifth wheel
- as superstitious as sallors
- as supple as a snake
- as sure as a gun
- as sure as death and taxes
- as sure as sunrise death
- as sure as you're born
- as surefooted as a mountain goat
- as suspicious as a cat
- as sweet as a candy
- as sweet as a rose
- As sweet as honey
- as sweet as pie
- as sweet as sugar
- as swift as a deer
- as swift as a flash
- as swift as an arrow
- as swift as lightning
- as swift as thought
- as tall as a giraffe
- as tall as a steeple
- as tall as a tree
- as tame as a sheep
- as taut as a fiddle string
- as tedious as guilty conscience
- as tender as a bud
- as terrible as Jove
- As thick as a brick
- as thick as ants
- As Thick as Fleas on a Farm Dog
- as thick as london fog
- as thick as thieves
- as thick as tree trunks
- as thick as two short planks
- as thin as a rake
- As thin as a toothpick
- as thin as a wafer
- as thin as toothpick
- as thirsty as a sponge
- as thoughtless as a lark
- as tidy as a candy shop
- As tight as a drum
- as tight as a duck's arse
- as tight as teeth
- as timid as a mouse
- as timid as a rabbit
- as tiny as a grain of sand
- as tired as tombstones
- As tough as leather
- as tough as old boots
- as trackless as the sea
- as tranquil as the summer sea
- as transient as lightning
- as transparent as glass
- as treacherous as the memory
- As tricky as a box of monkeys
- as tricky as an ape
- as trivial as a parrot's prate
- as troublesome as a monkey
- as true as the gospel
- as truthful as a knight of old
- as tuneless as a bag of wool
- as ugly as a scarecrow
- as ugly as sin
- as unapproachable as a star
- as unattractive as a gargoyle
- as uncertain as the weather
- as unchangeable as the past
- as unclean as sin
- as uncomplaining as a lamb
- as uncompromising as justice
- as unconquerable as chewing gum
- as uncontrollable as the wave
- as unfeeling as rocks
- as unhappy as King Lear
- as universal as sea sickness
- as unmerciful as the billows
- as unprofitable as smoke
- as unreal as a dream
- as unsteady as the ocean
- as unusual as a sailor on horseback
- as upright as a tower
- As useful as a chocolate fireguard
- As useful as a chocolate teapot
- as useful as a cow
- as useful as a lead balloon
- as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike
- as useful as an assassin with squeaky shoes
- As useful as Anne Frank's drumkit
- As useful as concrete slippers in a swimming pool
- As Useless as a Broken Condom
- as useless as tits on a bull
- as vague as a shadow
- as vague as futurity
- as vain as a peacock
- as variable as the weather
- as various as the weather
- as vast as eternity
- as venomous as a snake
- as vicious as a doberman pincher attacking a cat
- as vigilant as the stars
- as vigorous as fire
- as violent as steam
- as virtuous as holy truth
- as voiceless as the tomb
- as voracious as a camel
- as vulgar as money
- as wan as moonlight
- as warlike as the wolf
- as warm as sunbeams
- as warm as toast
- as warm as wool
- as wary as a fox
- as wasteful as a hen
- as watchful as a sentinel
- as wavering as Hamlet
- as weak as a kitten
- as weak as a reed
- as weak as water
- As welcome as a bacon sandwich at a Bar Mitzvah
- as welcome as a rainstorm in hell
- as welcome as a star
- as welcome as dew on parched flowers
- as welcome as the flowers in may
- As Well-Equipped as a Pair of Monk's Underpants
- as wet as a drowned rat
- as wet as a fish
- as white as a ghost
- as white as a lily
- as white as fleece
- as white as ivory
- as white as porcelain
- as white as snow
- as wide as hope
- as wily as a fox
- as wise as an owl
- as wise as Solomon
- as witless as Jackdaw
- as yellow as jaundice
- as yellow as saffron
- as yellow as sulphur
- as young as dawn
- as young as morn
- as youthful as the month of May
- as zigzag as lightning
- avoid like the plague
- Balanced as a One-Legged Elephant
- breed like rabbits
- built like a brick shithouse
- cheap as chips
- close as wax
- cold as a wagon tire
- cold as a witch's tit
- Colder than a Witch's Tit
- Crazy as a bag full of wet cats
- cry like a baby
- cry like a little girl
- cut like a knife
- cute as a bug's ear
- daft as a brush
- dead as a doorknob
- dead as a doornail
- deaf as a doorpost
- drink like a fish
- drop like flies
- drunk as a cunt
- drunk as a skunk
- drunk as Chloe
- Dry as a Bull's Bum Going up a Hill Backwards
- dry as a dead dingo's donger
- dumb as a bag of hammers
- easy as falling off a log
- easy as pie
- eat like a bird
- eat like a horse
- eat like a pig
- Face like a stuntman's knee
- fat as a cow
- fine as frog hair
- finer than frog hair
- fit as a flea
- fit as a lop
- fit like a glove
- Flat as a plate of piss
- Flatter than a Witch's Tit
- float like a butterfly
- flopping like a fish on a line
- fly like a bird
- fly like a rock
- fold like a lawn chair
- folded like a cheap suit
- fuck like rabbits
- full as a goog
- get on like a house on fire
- get on like a house on fire?
- Glistened in the rain like a nose hair after a sneeze
- go down like a lead balloon
- grin like a Cheshire cat
- grow like Topsy
- guilty as sin
- happy as a clam
- happy as a pig in shit
- Happy as pigs in mud
- hateful as a toad
- have a mind like a sieve
- Hobble like an off-balance giraffe
- hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire
- hung like a donkey
- hung like a horse
- kick like a mule
- laugh like a drain
- laugh like a hyena
- lie like a rug
- Lifeless as a Dead Battery
- Like music to my ears
- limber as a dishrag
- look like the back end of a bus
- Looser than a Yoga Master on Valium
- Loud as a cow pissing on a flat rock
- mad as a cut snake
- memory like a sieve
- More ornery than a rattlesnake with hives
- naked as a jaybird
- nervous as a cat
- nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs
- On your toes like a midget at a urinal
- out like a light
- pissed as a newt
- plain as the nose on one's face
- Pounding like a drum
- quack like a duck
- queer as a clockwork orange
- rarer than unicorn tears
- read like a book
- read someone like a book
- Refined as a Medieval Ox Cart
- right as a trivet
- Rolling head over heels like a shot rabbit
- Rough as a Badger's Balls
- run around like a headless chicken
- run like a top
- run like the wind
- Runs like a stabbed rat
- Scared as a Mouse in a Snake's Cage
- Screams like a banshee
- Screams like a girl
- Screams like a wounded bull
- Shaking like a Shitting Dog
- Shining like a Diamond in a Goat's Ass
- sing like a bird
- Sings like an Angel
- sink like a stone
- skinny as a rail
- sleep like a baby
- sleep like a log
- slow as molasses in January
- sly as a fox
- smell like a rose
- smile like a Cheshire cat
- smoke like a chimney
- smooth as a baby's bottom
- Soar like an Eagle
- spread like wildfire
- squeal like a stuck pig
- Stands out like bird shit on a black shoe
- stick out like a sore thumb
- Sticks like glue
- Stiffer than Arsene Wenger at a primary school
- sting like a bee
- stuffed like a turkey
- sure as eggs is eggs
- swear like a trooper
- sweat like a pig
- Sweating like a pedophile in a toy shop
- Sweating like a sinner in church
- Sweating like Pavarotti on a treadmill
- sweet as a nut
- sweet as pie
- swim like a fish
- Swirling like ink spilled in water
- talk like an apothecary
- taste like lumps of sand
- tastes like chicken
- Teeth like a burnt out fuse box
- tempered like steel
- thick as thieves
- Throws like a girl
- Tighter than an Indian waiter's trousers
- Ugly as a Mud Fence
- useless as a screen door on a submarine
- watch like a hawk
- Welcome as a skunk at a lawn party
- Wetter than a Spastic's Chin
- Wetter than an Otter's Pocket
- Wobbles like a three-legged dog
- work like a dog
- A.B.C
- Above
- Achilles
- Active
- Afraid
- Agamemonon
- Ageless
- Agile
- Air
- Alarm Clock
- Alert
- Alike
- Alladin
- Alligator
- Alone
- Ambition
- Ambitious
- Amman
- Ancient
- angel
- Angry
- animal
- Anne Frank
- Annoying
- Ant
- Ants
- Apart
- Ape
- Apothecary
- Apple
- Apple-Pie
- Arid
- Arm
- Arrow
- Arse
- Artificial
- Ashtray
- Asian
- Ass
- Assassin
- Asunder
- Atoms
- Attack
- Audacious
- Avoid
- Awful
- Awkward
- Aworm
- Babe
- Baby
- Bachelor
- Back end
- Backside
- bacon
- Badger
- badgers
- Bag
- balance
- balanced
- Bald
- Balloon
- balls
- Bank
- Banquo
- banshee
- Bantam
- Bar Mitzvah
- barrel
- Barren
- Bashful
- bat
- bath
- battery
- Bear
- Beautiful
- Beaver
- Bee
- Beer
- Bees
- Beet
- Beggar
- Bell
- Bells
- Bent
- Berry
- Big
- Bill
- Billows
- Bird
- Birds
- Bitter
- Black
- Blackberries
- Blackhouse
- Blameless
- Blank
- Blazes
- blind
- Blithe
- Blood
- Blue
- Blunt
- boar
- Board
- Boat
- Bold
- Bone
- Book
- Boots
- Born
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Boundless
- Bounteous
- bowling
- Box
- Brainless
- Brandy
- Brass
- Brave
- Break
- Breath
- Breed
- Breeze
- Brick
- Bricks
- Bride
- Bridegroom
- Brief
- Bright
- Brilliant
- Brisk
- Brittle
- Broad
- Brown
- Brush
- Bud
- Bug
- Built
- bull
- Bullfinch
- bully
- bum
- Bun
- Buoyant
- Bus
- Busy
- Butcher
- Butterfly
- Button
- Calf
- Calm
- Calves
- Camel
- Candid
- Candle
- Candy
- Careless
- Carrion
- Cartload
- cat
- Caterpillar
- cats
- Cautious
- Certain
- chair
- Chairs
- Chalk
- Chalkboard
- Chamois
- Champanzee
- Changeable
- Changing
- Chaste
- Cheap
- cheap suit
- Cheeky
- Cheerful
- Cheerless
- Cheery
- Cheese
- Cherry
- Cherub
- Cheshire
- Chew
- Chicken
- Child
- Chill
- Chimney
- chin
- China
- Chips
- Chirpy
- Chocolate
- Chole
- Chubby
- Church
- Cicoro
- Circle
- Clam
- Clammy
- Clean
- Clear
- Clever
- Clockwork
- Close
- Cloud
- Clown
- Clumsy
- Coal
- Coarse
- Cock
- Cocumber
- Coin
- cold
- colder
- Colts
- Comet
- Comfortable
- Common
- Complacent
- Complicated
- concrete
- condom
- Confident
- Conscience
- conscientious
- Consent
- Consoling
- Constant
- Contagious
- Contrary
- Convincing
- Cool
- Coot
- Corkscrew
- Corpse
- Costly
- Cosy
- cot death
- Countless
- Cow
- Cowardly
- Crafty
- Crazy
- Creation
- Credulous
- Cricket
- Crisp
- Croele
- Croesus
- Crooked
- Crow
- Cruel
- Crutch
- Cry
- Crystal
- Cunning
- Cunt
- Curiosity
- Curious
- Cut
- Cute
- Daft
- Daisy
- Damp
- Dangerous
- Dark
- Dawn
- Day
- Daylight
- Dead
- Deaf
- Death
- Deceptive
- Deep
- Deer
- Dejected
- Delicate
- Delicious
- Dense
- Desert
- Deserted
- Desolate
- Despair
- Devil
- Devoted
- Dew
- diamond
- Dice
- Die
- Different
- Difficult
- Dingo
- Dirt
- Dirty
- Disappointing
- Dishrag
- Dishwater
- Dismal
- Distant
- Distillery
- Dizzy
- Doberman Pincher
- Docile
- Doctor
- Dodo
- dog
- Dogs
- Donger
- Donkey
- Doom
- door
- Doorknob
- Doornail
- Doorpost
- Dove
- Down
- Drain
- Dreadful
- Dream
- Dreary
- drink
- Driven
- Drop
- Drown
- drum
- Drunk
- dry
- Duchess
- Duck
- Duck-Pond
- Dull
- Dumb
- Dungeon
- Dust
- Dutch
- dwarf
- Eager
- eagle
- Ear
- Earth
- Easy
- Eat
- Ebony
- Echo
- Eel
- Egg
- Eggs
- Egypt
- Elastic
- Election
- Element
- Elephant
- elevator
- Eloquent
- Elusive
- Empty
- Entertaining
- Enticing
- Essential
- Eternity
- Eve
- excited
- Expanse
- Expensive
- Fabulous
- Face
- Faint
- Fair
- Faith
- Faithful
- Faithless
- Falling
- False
- Familiar
- Famished
- Far
- farm
- fart
- Fast
- Fat
- Fate
- Fawn
- Feather
- Feathers
- feathery
- Fickle
- Fiddle
- Fidget
- Fierce
- Fifth
- Fight
- Fine
- Fire
- firefighter
- Fireguard
- Firm
- fish
- Fit
- Fixed
- Flabby
- Flash
- flat
- flatter
- Flea
- fleas
- Fleece
- Fleet
- Flies
- Flimsy
- Flint
- Float
- flopping
- Flower
- Fly
- fly trap
- Fog
- fold
- folded
- Fool
- Foolish
- Football
- Forest
- Foul
- Fox
- Free
- Fresh
- Frial
- Friendless
- Friendly
- Friends
- Frightened
- Frigid
- Frisky
- Frizzled
- Frog
- Frogs
- Fruit
- Fruitcake
- Fruitful
- Fuck
- Full
- funeral
- funny
- Fur
- Futurity
- Gall
- Game
- Gargoyle
- Garrulous
- Gathering
- Gaudy
- Gay
- Gazelle
- Generous
- Genial
- gentle
- gerasy
- Get on
- Ghost
- Giotto
- Giraffe
- girl
- Glad
- Glass
- Glib
- glisten
- glistened
- Gloomy
- Glorious
- Glory
- Glossy
- Glove
- glue
- Glum
- gluttonous
- Go Down
- Goat
- Gold
- gold tooth
- Good
- Goog
- Goose
- Gorgeous
- Gospel
- graceful
- Gracious
- Grain
- Grand
- Granite
- Grass
- Grasshopper
- Grave
- gray
- grease
- Great
- Greedy
- Greek
- Green
- Grey
- Greyhound
- Grig
- Grim
- Grin
- Ground
- Grow
- Guaze
- Guilty
- Gum
- Gun
- Gunpowder
- Haggard
- Hair
- Hairless
- Hairy
- Hamlet
- Hammer
- Hammers
- Handsome
- hangover
- happy
- Happy. Pig
- Hard
- Hare
- Harmless
- Harsh
- Hateful
- Hatter
- Haughty
- Hawk
- Headless
- Health
- Healthy
- Hearse
- Hearty
- Heaven
- Heavy
- Hell
- Helpless
- Hemlock
- Hemp
- Hen
- Hercules
- Hideous
- High
- Hill
- Hills
- Hippo
- hives
- Hoarse
- hobble
- Hog
- Hollow
- Holy
- Honest
- Honey
- Hope
- Hopeful
- Horizon
- Horn
- Hornet
- Horny
- Horrid
- Horse
- Horseback
- Hot
- Hotter
- Hound
- Hours
- House
- Huge
- Hum
- Humanity
- Humble
- Hung
- Hungry
- Hushed
- Hyena
- ice
- Iceberg
- Idiot
- Ignorant
- Illimitable
- Illusive
- Immaculate
- Immense
- Immortal
- Immutable
- Impatient. Lover
- Imperishable
- Impetuous
- Inconstant
- Indian
- Indolent
- Industrious
- Inevitable
- Inexhaustible
- Inexorable
- Infant
- Inflexible
- Ink
- Innocent
- insult
- Invisible
- Ivory
- Jackdaw
- Jam
- January
- Jaundice
- Jaybird
- Jealous
- Jellyfish
- Job
- Jolly
- Jove
- Joyful
- Joyous
- Jubilant
- Judge
- Juno
- Justice
- Keen
- Kick
- Kill
- Kind
- King
- Kite
- Kitten
- Kittens
- Knee
- knife
- Knight
- Knowing
- Koala
- lamb
- Lame
- Lance
- Languid
- Large
- Lark
- Larry
- Lasting
- Laugh
- Lawless
- lawn
- lawn chair
- Laws
- Lawyer
- Lax
- Lazarus
- Lazy
- Lead
- Lead Balloon
- Lean
- Lear
- Leather
- Lemon
- Leper
- lesbian
- Level
- Liberal
- library
- Lie
- Lies
- Life
- Lifeless
- Light
- Lightning
- Likely
- Lilies
- Lilly
- Lily
- Limber
- Lime
- Lion
- Lithe
- Little
- Lively
- Lizard
- Loathsome
- Log
- London
- Lonely
- Long
- Long-Tailed
- Look
- Loon
- loose
- looser
- Lop
- Loquacious
- Lord
- Loud
- Love
- Love-sick
- Lovely
- Low
- Lowly
- Loyal
- Lucifer
- Lumps
- Macbeth
- Machine-guns
- Mad
- Magnanimous
- Magpie
- Maid
- Maiden
- Malicious
- mallet
- March
- Married
- Mastodon
- May
- Mean
- Meat
- Medes
- Media
- medieval
- Meek
- Memory
- Menagerie
- Merciless
- Merry
- Methuselah
- midget
- Midnight
- Mild
- Millpond
- Mind
- Minerva
- Mirage
- Mirror
- Mirrors
- Mischievous
- Miser
- Mobile
- Modest
- Molasses
- Mole
- Money
- monk
- Monkey
- Monkeys
- Monotonous
- Month
- moody
- Moon
- Moonlight
- Moons
- Morn
- Morning
- Mosquito
- Motionless
- Motorbike
- Mountain
- Mournful
- Mouse
- Much
- Mud
- Muddy
- Mule
- Multiplication
- Mum
- Murder
- music
- Mustard
- Mute
- Mysterious
- Nail
- Nails
- Naked
- Natural
- Nature
- Nearsighted
- Neat
- Needful
- Needle
- Nervous
- Nest
- New
- Newborn
- Newt
- Nice
- Night
- Nimble
- Nine-Bob
- Ninepence
- Noiseless
- Noisy
- Nose
- Not
- Note
- Notes
- novel
- Numerous
- Nut
- Nutty
- Oak
- Oath
- Obedient
- Obnoxious
- Obstinate
- Ocean
- off-balance
- Old
- Olympus
- Onion
- Opaque
- Open
- Opposite
- Orange
- ornery
- Othello
- otter
- Out
- Oven
- overweight
- owl
- Owls
- Ox
- ox cart
- Oyster
- paedophile
- Paint
- Pale
- Pan
- pancake
- Panther
- pants
- Paradise
- Parch
- Parrot
- party
- Passionate
- Past
- Patient
- Pavarotti
- Peaceful
- Peacock
- Peas
- pedophile
- Peeled
- Penny
- period
- Persians
- Persistent
- Phony
- Pickestaff
- Picture
- Pie
- Piercing
- Pig
- pigs
- Pikestaff
- Pin
- Pins
- piss
- Pissed
- pissing
- Pitch
- Placid
- Plague
- Plain
- Planks
- plate
- Playful
- Pleasant
- Pleased
- Plentiful
- Pluto
- Pod
- Poet
- Pointless
- Polecat
- Poles
- Polonius
- Pond
- Poor
- popcorn
- Poppy
- Populous
- Porcelain
- Porpoise
- Positive
- Post
- pound
- pounding
- pounds
- Powerful
- Powerless
- Prate
- Pretty
- prison
- Progressive
- Proud
- Puffy
- Pump
- Punch
- Punched
- Punctual
- Puppet
- Puppy
- Pure
- Puzzle
- Pyramids
- Quack
- Quarrelsome
- Queer
- Quick
- Quicksilver
- Quiet
- Rabbit
- Rabbits
- raccoon
- Racecar
- Ragged
- Rail
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Rainstorm
- Rake
- Ramrod
- Rapid
- rare
- rarer
- Raspberry
- Rat
- rattlesnake
- Raven
- Ravenous
- Razor
- Read
- Real
- Rebellious
- Red
- Reed
- Regal
- Regular
- Relationship
- Relentless
- reliable
- Remote
- Restless
- Rhinoceros
- Rich
- Riddle
- Right
- Ring
- Rise
- Rivers
- Rock
- Rocking
- Rocks
- rolling
- roman
- Roof
- Room
- Rose
- Rosy
- Rotten
- Rough
- Round
- Rude
- Rug
- Rugged
- Run
- Run around
- running
- runs
- Ruthless
- Sacred
- Sad
- Safe
- Saffron
- Sahara
- Sailor
- Sallor
- Salt
- Salty
- Samson
- Sancho
- Sand
- sandal
- Sandboy
- sarcastic
- Sardine
- Satan
- Saucy
- Scarce
- Scarecrow
- scared
- Schoolgirl
- Scotsman
- Scratch
- scream
- screams
- Sea
- Secret
- Secure
- Seedy
- Selfish
- Senseless
- Sensitive
- Sentinel
- Serene
- Serious
- Serpent
- Shadow
- shaking
- Shallow
- Shameful
- Shameless
- Shapeless
- sharp
- Sheep
- Shell
- Shelling
- shine
- shining
- Ship
- Shit
- Shithouse
- Shoe
- Shoes
- Shop
- Shore
- Short
- Shrine
- Shy
- Sick
- Sickness
- Sieve
- Silent
- Silk
- Sillent
- Silly
- Silver
- Simple
- Sin
- Sincere
- sing
- sings
- Sink
- sinner
- Sixpence
- Skinny
- skunk
- Sky
- Slander
- Slave
- Sleek
- Sleep
- Sleepness
- Sleepy
- Sleigh
- slime
- slimy
- slippers
- Slippery
- Sloth
- Slow
- slower
- Sly
- Small
- Smart
- Smell
- Smile
- Smoke
- Smooth
- Snail
- Snake
- Snap
- sneeze
- snow
- Snug
- soap
- soar
- soars
- Sober
- socks
- Soft
- Solid
- Solitary
- Solomon
- Soothe
- Sore
- Sound
- Sour
- Spacious
- Spaniard
- spastic
- Spectres
- Speechless
- Sphere
- Spineless
- Spiteful
- Sponge
- Spotless
- Spread
- Spring
- Springtime
- Spruce
- Squeaky
- Squeal
- Squirrel
- Stale
- Stand
- stand out
- Star
- Staright
- Stars
- Stately
- Statue
- Steadfast
- Steady
- Stealthy
- Steam
- Steel
- Steeple
- Steppe
- stern
- stick
- Stick out
- sticks
- Sticky
- stiff
- stiffer
- Still
- Sting
- Stink
- stomach
- Stone
- Stones
- Storm
- Stormy
- Straight
- Strange
- String
- strong
- Stubborn
- Stuck
- Stuffed
- Stupid
- Sturdy
- stylish
- submarine
- Subtle
- Sudden
- Sugar
- suit
- Sulky
- Sulphur
- Sultana
- Summer
- Sun
- Sunbeam
- Sunbeams
- Sunlight
- Sunrise
- Sunshine
- Superfluous
- Superstitious
- Supple
- Sure
- Surefooted
- Suspicious
- Swan
- Swear
- Sweat
- sweating
- Sweep
- Sweet
- Swift
- Swim
- swimming pool
- swirl
- swirling
- Table
- Tack
- Talk
- Tall
- Tame
- Taste
- Tastes
- Taut
- Taxes
- Teapot
- tears
- Tedious
- Teeth
- Tempered
- Tender
- Terrible
- Thick
- Thieves
- Thin
- Thirsty
- Thistle
- Thought
- Thoughtless
- Three-Dollar
- throw
- throws
- Thumb
- Thunder
- Tidy
- tiger
- Tight
- tighter
- Time
- Timid
- Tin
- Tiny
- Tire
- Tired
- Tit
- Tits
- Toad
- Toast
- Tom Thumb
- Tomb
- Tombstones
- Tooth
- Toothpick
- Top
- Top Gear
- Topsy
- Tortoise
- Tough
- Tower
- Trackless
- tragic
- Tranquil
- Transient
- Transparent
- Treacherous
- Tree
- Tricky
- Trivet
- Trivial
- Trooper
- Troublesome
- trousers
- True
- Trunks
- Truth
- Truthful
- Tuneless
- Turkey
- Turtle
- Ugly
- Unapproachable
- Unattractive
- Uncertain
- Unchangeable
- Unclean
- Uncomplaining
- Uncompromising
- Unconquerable
- Uncontrollable
- Under
- underpants
- underwear
- Unfeeling
- unfunny
- Unhappy
- unicorn
- Universal
- Unmerciful
- Unprofitable
- Unreal
- unreliable
- Unstable
- Unsteady
- Unusual
- Upright
- urinal
- Use
- Useful
- Useless
- Vague
- Vain
- valium
- Variable
- Various
- Vast
- Velvet
- Venomous
- Venus
- Vicious
- Victorian
- Victory
- Vigilant
- Vigorous
- Vinegar
- Violent
- Virtuous
- Vision
- Voiceless
- Voracious
- Vulgar
- Wafer
- Wagon
- Wan
- Warlike
- Warm
- Warmwood
- Wary
- Wasp
- Wasteful
- Watch
- Watchful
- Water
- Wave
- Waver
- Wax
- Weak
- Weasel
- Weather
- Weekend
- Welcome
- well-euipped
- Wet
- wetter
- Wheel
- Whip
- Whistle
- white
- Wide
- Wig
- Wild
- Wildfire
- Wily
- Wind
- Wings
- Wink
- Winter
- wise
- Witch
- Witch. Endor
- Witless
- wobble
- wobbles
- wobbling
- Wolf
- Wool
- Word
- work
- World
- Worm
- Yard
- Yawn
- Year
- Yellow
- yoga
- Young
- Youth
- Zigzag