- Melodious news
- Sweet sound
- Pleasing to hear
- A delight to hear
- Soothing sound
- Welcome news
- Harmonious words
- Pleasant news
- Euphonic
- A joy to hear
An unfiltered list of all similes. View a list of all explicit, extended, negative, poetic, compound, and subtle similes here.
Synonyms: unsightly, unattractive, grisly, grotesque, hideous, unseemly
Synonyms: uneven, irregular, bumpy, lumpy, knobbly, stony, rocky, rugged, rutted, pitted, gruff, hoarse, harsh, rasping, raspy, croaking, croaky, husky, throaty, gravelly, turbulent, stormy, tempestuous, violent, heavy, heaving, choppy
Synonyms: shine, gleam, glisten, shimmer, glow, sparkle
Synonyms: pretty, elegant, dazzling, alluring, appealing, fine, gorgeous, lovely, stunning
meaning: unreliable
synonyms: deceptive, dubious, fickle, irresponsible, inaccurate, tricky, untrustworthy, deceitful, disreputable
Synonyms: cheerful, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, glad, joyful, joyous, jubilant
Meaning: rough, tough, scratchy, strong
synonyms: Clarion, Crystal, Fair, Fine, Light, transparent, see-through
Meaning: unfunny
Synonyms: non funny, serious, sad, dramatic, unamusing, melancholy, tragic
Meaning: useless
Synonyms: meaningless, pointless, no good, worthless, ineffective, futileworthless
Synonyms: flat, boring, poor, bad, empty, low, flush, calm, dull, lackluster, weak, stale, dead, bland, drab, vanilla, blah, pointless
Synonyms: stale, dehydrated, parched, dried-up, waterless, thirty, rainless, boring, dusty, plain, trite, simple, sharp, tart, ironic, satirical
Synonyms: stuffed, packed, busy, crowded, stocked, loaded, jammed, bursting
Sarcastic, meaning not funny
Synonyms: boring, serious, unfunny, unamusing, melancholy, common, sad